...on designated 'bullshit' space

without a designated 'bullshit' zone, bullshit will sprawl

practicum: maintain two desks

  • one empty
  • one for bullshit

demonstrative workflow

  1. walk into room, holding something seemingly important
  2. hear telephonic dopamine noise, become Ape2
  3. item in hand becomes bullshit
  4. Ape places hand-item on least-thought surface

    1. empty desk?

      • no
    2. desk with bullshit?

      • yes
  5. (some time later) Ape becomes Human, needs an empty desk for lofty sapien processes

    • Scenario A: too much bullshit on supposed-to-be empty desk?

      • become Ape
      • lose
    • Scenario B: empty desk is empty?

      • continue Human
      • win
    • Scenario C: one bullshit on supposed-to-be empty desk?

      • move bullshit to bullshit desk
      • commence higher intelligence


…of recovering from too much bullshit on supposed-to-be-empty desk

  1. dump all bullshit from bullshit desk onto supposed-to-be-empty desk
  2. rename desks

…of avoiding frequent desk-renaming events1

  1. throw away/donate everything in bullshit buffer

    • don't worry about whether there's important stuff in there. Later on, Ape will panic and recover anything truly necessary from the bin.
  2. create vertical space3
  3. use vertical space


2required reading: https://waitbutwhy.com/2013/10/why-procrastinators-procrastinate.html

1(which may be signs of brain-stupid, or scheduler-processor imbalance) see digital-gardening

3see cave-carving